Friday, November 29, 2013

Rise up a Free American citizen!

"These are the times that try men's' souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; bur that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

 Thomas Paine, Intro to the The Crisis, December 19, 1776

  These words ring loud and clear with the troubles our nation faces today. Fear from our elected officials and what they may do, to retaliate against the people who question their intentions. Fear of being harassed by the IRS and privacy invaded by the NSA or some other alphabet letter agency. Today we face tyranny unlike what our forefathers were witnesses to yet their basic outline with the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence demands that “We the People” have the responsibility to protect our freedoms from the corruption of government to secure its safety, and our future. Or as some may understand it better from Comic Book Creator Stan Lee as his character Uncle Ben told the infamous Peter Parker aka Spiderman, “with great power, comes great responsibility.” That power and responsibility lies in the hands of the American people.

   Those phrases are one in the same and they challenge you and I to stop the actions that have lead us on this road. We must unite as our forefathers did in a common cause. That cause is the future of our freedoms. That cause is also the preservation of our great nation from those who are the cause of irreparable damage to its sovereignty and the safety of its citizens.  I look back on some of the most inspirational Presidents we have had and I ask; what would they do? President Washington fought a great battle to secure our freedoms. President Lincoln fought an even greater battle to keep a nation, united. President Reagan, fought oppression and lit the torch of freedom even brighter when he fought politically, to “tear down this wall” to end the cold war with Russia. President George W Bush fought to protect this nation from the acts of terror that were so horribly brought to the streets of our cities.

 These inspirational leaders, never once imagined, they would be parts of the historical fabric that keeps this country’s heartbeat going strong. These men did not sway from the perseverance of freedom. Our nation has faced so many difficulties as the longest reigning democracy ever known. That is because the voice of the people was well represented without personal agendas creating laws. Everything was done to preserve freedom and protect the very soul of our country.

Edmund Burke said it best when he stated; “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing.”

It is now up to us to preserve our nation. Are you ready?

Greg Pollitt


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dear American Citizen,

I wish to share with you a letter that I have written to ask once again for the support of the citizens of our great nation.

Dear American citizen,

I have been reaching out to you, asking for your support as a candidate for President of the United States. I am well aware of the uphill battle that lies ahead and it is not an easy journey for an "average Joe" from the main streets of the greatest nation on this Earth, the United States of America.

President George Washington once said : "The hour is fast approaching, on which the Honor and Success of this army, and the safety of our bleeding Country depend. Remember officers and Soldiers, that you are free men, fighting for the blessings of Liberty -- that slavery will be your portion, and that of your posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men."

We know his reference was to the revolutionary war, although I believe these words ring true more now than ever when it comes to the situation our nation is in on this day, in this year, over 200 years later. We are faced with so much adversity on a daily basis that we must unite, as a nation. Not of party or affiliation, but of one country, one nation, free, so that we can once again rise above the tyranny that we face now in our country, from our own government. It is with great pride that I as an American citizen born free have had the life of a common man. I have faced obstacles that none should ever have, while having the wealth of family, and health and a life above the quality of many, while still being beneath the floor of poverty.

It is with great duty of each and every one of us that love this nation, to do our responsibility outlined in our Constitution to protect freedom and stand against those who dare to attack our nation foreign or domestic. From Terrorists, Liberals, Democrats, Republicans, dictators, and demons who threaten our Sovereignty and freedoms. I ask that you place aside any misconception and look not at the man, but the life that we all deserve and truly ask yourselves, are we truly free?

With your support, we can unite this nation. We can restore it's glory where the American dream is alive and well. Where our economy can grow. Where jobs are plentiful. Where you can worship God in public without fear of reprimand or retaliation. Where you can say the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools or recite a historical speech without having to be "politically correct". The foundation of this country was built on freedom of religion and should not be discriminated.

With your support, we can simplify our laws, and our government. We can give power back to the states while still having a federal government that is in charge, but not overreaching the constitution and the states ability to govern themselves. Most importantly with your support, we can be free once again.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and together we can restore our nation to glory and respect that it deserves.

Greg Pollitt

Government Free Fall!

   Our government is on a freefall. Freedoms that our men and women in the military have fought to protect and uphold are being stripped away from us through the actions of this administration more than any other. Restrictions, unfair regulations, forced healthcare, removing key elements of our military leadership, importing terrorist into our country hidden as refugees who live off of the taxpayers to attack our nation from within.  Does this sound like the plotline of a TV show or a Hollywood blockbuster? Well I wish I could say it was, but it’s the plotline of an attack on our nation from the current elected party that has control of this nation.  


   It is time we have more "Average Joe's" stand up for our country. My time is now. I would like to request an appearance on an upcoming show about our government and initiating the actions of the sleeping "Manchurian candidate". That sleeping Manchurian Candidate is none other than the American People. The American citizens have become complacent with our government and now we sit back and fear the government “we collectively elected” that is stripping freedoms away, and democracy with laws such as the ACA, and the most recent “Nuclear option” that takes away part of our checks and balance procedure to ensure fairness across the land and completely impartial. We need to awaken and fight to take back our country while we still can before it’s too late.


  The road we are traveling on we could  see martial law declared, our constitution suspended, all in the scheme of protection to gain complete power and dissolve our nation into a country reigned by a dictator. Actions of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other main elements of the Obama administration have already done this by the laws they have forced to be passed. It is also happening right in front of us.


 Are you prepared to live in a third world country under the control of a dictator?


Are you prepared to see military personnel on every street in every town in America to ensure you “OBEY” the administration?


Are you prepared to be ushered into “camps” or towns just because you have a different political or religious point of view or beliefs?


 Our nation is on a dangerous road to no recovery from these assaults. We must act now and take back our government.


-Do not vote for those who wish to make government large, and strip you of freedoms.


-Recall any elected official who supports bills that attack the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and what they stand for.


-Vote for those who wish to repeal the ACA, get the NSA under control, restores our military might, and most importantly those who truly listen to your voice, the voice of the People. Yes there will be some unpopular decisions by any elected official or administration and no one is perfect but the guy or gal who fights for your rights, should be the one who gets your vote.

That’s why I have decided to run for President. There are too few “elected officials” that are truly out to represent you. They get elected for the paycheck, the perks and push their agendas, but forget about the agenda of our nation and that is Freedom!

It's time we unite together not as democrats and republicans but as Americans.




Yours truly,


The next President of the United States

Greg Pollitt


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dear "average Joes" from main street,

 Hello, my name is Greg Pollitt and I have decided to formally announce my candidacy for the office of President of the United States in 2016. I am submitting this for your support in our mission because I feel our country is on a fine line that could lead to self destruction of our job market, our economy, our healthcare and especially our civil liberties and personal freedoms. Our country is facing acts of tyranny and oppression on our own soil unlike we have seen since the American Revolution and were witness to in WW2. Our phones are tapped, emails read, and now our government has implemented a program to overtake our healthcare system by eliminating free market, individual choices and mandating you purchase it, or pay a fine along with its recent executive order on climate, are two of the biggest power grabs we have ever seen.
  Big government is taking over and it is attacking our bill of rights and in clear violation of our constitution with its propaganda machine, the war on political parties via the IRS scandal, invasion of privacy by the NSA and its complete failure in protecting American citizens in Benghazi. We all now fear our government and what it is capable of doing not to our possible enemies, but to its own citizens. It is time that people like you and I raise the bar as every day American citizens and we step up to make differences in our country that only “we the people” can do.
  To you my fellow “Average Joe” citizen of America, I promise when elected as President of the United States; to reduce the size of our government, eliminate the out of control abuse on our civil liberties and our constitution. I also promise to reduce foreign aide packages and re-invest those billions of dollars back into our country to create jobs and help our economy. We can reduce our national debt along with our out of control spending practices and most importantly I will put your voice, the voice of the American people, BACK into government where it belongs and with your support we can achieve our goal.
 Its time we unite together not as democrats and republicans but as Americans.
Yours truly,
The next President of the United States
Greg Pollitt

Monday, November 4, 2013

Media Apperanace.

I wish to thank all of you for your support. Each and every day I am amazed at how far this campaign is growing and spreading. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed in supporting our cause. I am pleased to announce a few media appearances as... they become public knowledge. Our first radio appearance is next Tuesday Nov 12, 11 am Eastern time, 10 am central, I will be a featured guest with Beth "Ann" from Commonsense Coalition Talk Radio. You can visit her website ( and her page on Facebook give it a "LIKE" and listen live as we discuss what is going on in our country and why I have elected to run for the highest position in the land, the office of the President of the United States.

Join us for the live conversation and be sure to check out the archives of her past shows. Beth brings a great understanding to issues we face today and gives people like you and I the "average Joe" a place to voice our concerns and a common sense approach on how we can fix them.

You can follow Beth "Ann" on Twitter :


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The United States of America!!!!

 It is a symbol of hope, the brightest beacon of freedom, free from tyranny and oppression that gives an opportunity for everyone in the world to come here as the worlds “capital” of democracy to live free…….


  This is what America once stood proudly for, for over 200 years. Our nation extended its hand in service to offer freedom and to use our own military to free other nations from the same acts of tyranny our ancestors were subjected to, or in some cases, much, much worse. Over the last few decades, we have become subject to our own government forgetting these reasons. It has become about greed, and corporations, and in some cases still about the good fight, but our elected officials have become lost and lost focus on the number one priority and that is providing for its own people.


  Many have asked what my view of the government is. Quite frankly, I believe that our government should be in comparison to a family, like a good parent. Our government (parent) is meant to create an environment for us (its children) to grow prosperously. It has systems in place to offer support (Welfare, Social Security,) to lend a helping hand when we are down and out with no other option. Our government should be in the education business. To teach our children to think outside of the box, so we can be the most advanced in education in the world. That critical thinking and early education has helped advance sciences across the world due to people learning at accelerated levels, with better understanding and it all starts with early education setting up those goals to achieve.

  Our government also should be there to help provide jobs for its children of America. This is a result of good immigration policy that prevents illegal immigrants from obtaining jobs in our country. A good immigration policy outlines a specific path to citizenship with work visas, documentation, and strict guidelines until a point in which they become legal. The enforcement of this is a must. Failure of enforcement leads to illegal immigrants taking jobs away from citizens of this nation, and sending their paychecks back home which in many ways hurts our economy.


How does government create jobs?


 It is the responsibility of our government to create healthy growth opportunities for small and big businesses alike to be created and grow. It does to some degree with the Small Business Administration, and various other programs that include government grants. However there are billions of dollars that we send overseas to foreign countries in aide packages. Some of these aide packages are well intended to help fight hunger and diseases. Many of these packages are like blank checks for them to use however necessary which may include government buildup of arm, chemical weapons, anti government suppression, or buying a new car. These foreign aide packages, need to be reigned in and that money on foreign aid can go to pay our national debt, and re-investing in our own economy by giving much more money in grants to state and local governments to repair or create new infrastructure. This would allow them to hire Police officers and EMS personnel.  It would also allow the opportunity to change our Un-employment office, to a new revamped EMPLOYMENT office. This program would allow individuals to work full or part time jobs created by city and state governments to work on those infrastructure jobs or city development projects and clean up neighborhoods. This would help bring more pride from people who help restore those communities and work together as a community to combat drugs and crime rates in neighborhoods across the country empowering citizens to make a difference.


   Our government also must create policies that make it better for businesses to create jobs and keep jobs here in our country. These must be a 75-25% full time to part time job ratio so we can establish a better market for our domestic and exported goods that are of good quality and re-establish the good ole “Made in America” pride we once had. We import a lot of products and free trade is encouraged, but we must be in the more exports to imports ratio to help provide jobs for our citizens and growth for our economy.


Our government should be as a good parent a provider of healthcare opportunities for its citizens. Creating laws and policies that protect the consumer along with giving tax incentives and government research grants are some of the best ways to offset the rising costs of healthcare. Corporate greed vs. patient care should never be a discussion. If Health care providers are to live up to their potential and expectations of extending life expectancy, curing diseases they need to be able to reign in their budgets and give a portion of their profits back into their companies to offset rising costs. Keeping costs low and affordable will create an atmosphere for patients old and new to invest more time in their own healthcare by getting preventive treatment at prices they can afford. Many things are not caught in the preventive category and lead to the fighting of conditions to cure or heal from because of costs.  This will give them more patients to treat, which would exponentially grow their profits.


 Finally as any good parent, their may come a time to punish its children from its bad behavior. This punishment comes in the forms of laws that establish criminal acts and outline a correctional path. The problem has been enforcing these already created laws. It has been the norm of our elected officials to just create new laws that are a rehash of older laws that are honestly poorly enforced or not enough funding to enforce for local and state governments. We rarely need NEW laws; we just need better enforcement of existing laws.  Our laws need to be re-evaluated, simplified and properly enforced to allow our society to grow up, and be protected as we should be.



Our society has become overly obsessed with creating new laws to something we just don’t agree with.  It all comes down to individual rights and just because you don’t like something such as guns, it doesn’t mean we need a law against them. This is just one example of how we try to police everything that people just simply don’t like and is not necessary as a law. Use your rights to protest, conveying your thoughts and voice your opinions.  Unfortunately advocacy becomes un-necessary laws in many cases and creates more ripples in society, than it attempts to protect. Each new law passed becomes a smaller and smaller area of freedoms. It starts with gun laws on ownership. Then it becomes the type of guns you can own. Then it will be the type of ammo you can purchase. Each new law is a form of control to ultimately obtain the agenda of Full control by the government. There are some necessary laws needed, but they need to be of necessity and not personal agendas.


Keep it simple America. Just as simplicity wins in wars, games, elections, contests and sports venues, so do laws. When you create a criminal society by creating un-necessary laws, you then alienate freedom. Last time I checked we have a giant document called the Constitution of the United States, which guarantees our freedom.