Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fear the Walking Dead


Take a look around you. You see your friends, families and loved ones, all laughing and smiling enjoying a evening together with a few drinks or snacks. In the background a tv broadcasts the worlds latest news about some middle eastern country city attacked by some type of rebels or terrorists and you barely catch a frame of video and return back to your evening without a second look......   Then it happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The electric is out. you look outside and then you hear in the distance a loud explosion. Followed by another explosion.....Now you hear gun fire seemingly all around you from all directions. Siren fill the night as police cruiser after cruiser followed by fire trucks and ambulances and more police officers...................  Neighbors gather outside in the streets to listen to the chaos when a woman runs screaming from her home on a cell phone...

                                  "We have been attacked".....she says

 Then it sinks in.....An attack on American soil! The first since 9/11! In my neighborhood!  Your frustrated, afraid, you didn't make it to the store before the party to get groceries, what will you do for food, water supplies. What if they come for you? How will you protect yourself? Your family? This is a situation you nor I ever want to be a part of. The lives of thousands who were  lost and scarred after 9/11 attacks and then the lives lost for those who fought to find survivors and died in battle in search of the men who were ultimately responsible for hitting America and giving her a big black eye......  the streets of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria all infiltrated by terrorists fighting in the streets, the malls, the hospitals, the day care centers, the cafe's all destroyed and marred by violence and death.
                                   This is a danger we all face yet again.

 You see President Obama, ran using a plan that Americans were tired of war and he was their solution. He was right. We are tired of war, but after 9/11 we became engaged in a different war that would not end any time soon.  A war without borders and multiple enemies. Obama gets elected and against all military strategist, warnings from the Pentagon and Former  President George W Bush, President Obama and Hillary Clinton withdrew forces from Iraq. The "J.V. Team" aka terrorists who were on the run and were in hiding, now suddenly came out and took over Syria then moved into Iraq.  Using Islam as their weapon of words, they openly defied our military who was put on a leash by the Obama administration and were allowed to grow. They have slaughtered innocent men, women, children, Jews, Christians, Homosexuals, and straight. Just like any adolescent, without fear or punishment and repercussions, they grew out of control and now we are faced with the problem that could at any moment be inside our streets.  The reason Obama doesn't want to lead a fight against ISIS, is because they don't want to face the truth..... we are not just at war with Isis..... we are involved in a Religious War.


They know that they cannot go street to street , house to house and fight an enemy that has no  uniform, no battle flag, no colors of war and separate the innocent from the enemy.  The only way to eliminate this generation of terror is a full on ground war that not only uses bullets to fight, but also religion.  People say not all Islamists are terrorists, but how can you tell the ones who aren't from the one who will blow your head off as you turn around and walk out the door. It is a dangerous line to walk. The administration has chosen the job of sniper, who sits afar, and awaits the enemy to take a shot off to keep them just far enough away with a cruise missile from a predator drone.

 You see we are all the Walking Dead if we continue to allow our administration to do nothing to eliminate this threat. We cannot allow these enemies to sneak in our borders let alone fly them in as disguised refugees and settle them into our communities.  Has the history of the City of Troy, not been taught to these idiots? Have they not heard the children's story of little Red Riding Hood or the 3 little pigs? Has the violence that spread through Europe the last few years not taught them a lesson. Have they not learned anything from the recent Terror attacks in Belgium, Africa, or Paris?  The human experience is to learn from our mistakes and others to make sure it doesn't happen again. We elect our officials to protect our freedoms, our way of life, and do every bit of due diligence to prevent the loss of a single American life from any foreign enemy. The Obama administration and the treasonous Hillary Clinton, plan to continue to destroy America and our way of lives by allowing men and women to die in Benghazi with no one coming to help and now importing potential terrorists as refugees with no way to ensure they are not enemies of the state.

    Even children  understand that when a wolf appears in sheep's clothing, you run the other way to get someone with a gun to kill it and save all of the sheep you can. Maybe we can recommend some children's books for the Obama administration to read instead of the Common Core crap they are shoving down our kids throats. Regardless we need to band together and demand we secure our borders, stop all immigration currently until we have a more advanced process and screenings to prevent anyone from being a terrorist. Instead of taking billions of taxpayer money for Syrian refugees, lets use those billions to help our Veterans, or create jobs or homes for homeless citizens.  Lets start putting America and her citizens first again while we still have an America to remember before it's gone and we become the sheep led to the slaughter by a Terrorist in the White House known as President Obama. 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
Blogger : www.averagejoe4president2016.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AverageJoe4Pres
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Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com

Friday, November 13, 2015

Terror in Paris

                                           French security moves people in the area of Rue Bichat in the 10th arrondissement of the French capital Paris following a string of attacks on November 13, 2015. (KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP/Getty Images)

    Today Paris fell victim once again to the violence that has become never ending with Islam. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims and their families tonight and over the next few weeks and months as the citizens of France and all of those who where effected in today's attacks try to heal. The terrorist cling to their ideology and use it as a weapon of war against innocent lives. It doesn't matter if you are, Christian, Hindu, or Jewish or any other religion, these criminals are bringing war to our cities and our streets and today was Paris. Where is it tomorrow? The day after? The next few days, weeks, months, years? When will it stop?  

  This has gone too far and our elected leader has no intention to lead an attack that would end these criminals.  They challenge us on a daily basis and President Obama, stands idly by and lets them get closer and closer to our homes. The fact that he embraces the importing of Syrian Refugees who have no way to ensure they aren't terrorists and settle them in our cities where this can happen here. Look at what happened to Paris today, is this something you want to wake up to tomorrow in the streets of Chicago, New York, L.A., or anywhere in our nation.  We need action and leadership to eliminate this world of this scum who preys on freedom and innocence.   If we continue to do nothing it will come here and we will all be responsible.  

Demand Action NOW! 

We need to secure our nation and eliminate this threat, not pass them around from paw to paw like the favorite plaything for the family cat. 

Mr President, If you wont defend our nation and our citizens and unleash the dogs of war of the fiercest military on the planet, The United States Military,  to destroy ISIS, ISIL, Al Queda, Hamas, and any terrorist group or harboring nation  then Step DOWN as President of the United States now so we can elect a real leader to do what you cannot !

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
Blogger : www.averagejoe4president2016.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AverageJoe4Pres
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/cha.../UCn4y4ySY1PNEiSUIG18vlyA/feed
Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com

9/11 Quotes

Thursday, October 22, 2015


   I listened to some of former Defense Secretary Hillary Clinton's testimony today about the attack in Benghazi, Libya. We all have the privilege of hindsight being 20-20 but this is beyond having that ability. Over 600 requests for additional requests for security that were denied  to provide extra security for our diplomatic outpost weeks and months before the attacks. This is appalling that this  administration flat out lied about the entire situation. The entire Obama administration has created a horrible foreign policy that led to the creation of ISIS, and also that led to Americans killed  who could have been saved in foreign nations terrorist attack on our embassy. Her job is to make sure our men and women are protected. She failed to act in order of National Security interests let alone the extreme failure in this situation.

Here is what I would say to Hillary Clinton.....

"When someone threatens my life or my families lives, I go home I prepare every gun I have and I alert the police. The police sends officers to protect me and my family so I never have to use that gun. That is what happened here. A family was threatened and the police never came because their top cop, never sent them to protect this family who lost their lives. They had advanced notice of a threat and the Obama didn't simply do nothing, the denied the responsibility to try and save those lives.  You can't treat the men and women of this nation as expendable pawns in your battle for prestige and prominence. Our men and women of the military are husbands, fathers, sons, mothers, wives, and daughters. They have value and any war or battle that we engage should provide them the maximum amount of protection with a sure way to victory that leads to no loss of life. I know that is impossible, in war but we should plan so no one is expendable and when we lose a life in that defense, we treat them and their families with the up most respect and dignity and honor and feel the loss as they do when ever a service man or woman dies in combat.  That's the difference it makes Secretary Clinton"

Our nation needs leadership from someone who values lives, not one that makes them expendable pieces on a chess board. Our nation needs someone who can heal this nation from racial issues, one who supports authorities and also supports religoous freedoms, defends our constitution, and more importantly is an #averagejoe who knows what its like to be a typical American.

Each military or diplomatic outpost must have maximum amount of security at all times and backup on standby in every nation we have a presence. If you want to win a war against terrorism, and Islamic Terrorists you cant let the military pit bull out of the door on a 6 ft chain. You give them every bullet, every tank, every gun and every plane they could possibly need or even want to defeat our enemies of freedom and freedom from fear.  As President I would expand our military footprint to every active role we have to ensure victory and do everything in my power to ensure we didnt lose a single life doing it. If one man or woman falls it would be more than just a 2 minute segment on the nightly news, we would honor each and every one with a televised national funeral and honor their memory and tell their story so America knows who they lost and what they meant to their families and our nation.

As president I will strike out any executive order that violates law of the United States and suppression of any civil liberty. We elect a President to be the Father of our family, the voice of reason and authority at the head of our table, not to rule with an iron fist but to be compassionate, resolute, and a protector of all lives in and out of uniform.from the sands of a distant desert to the streets of America.

We must hold this administration accountable for their acts against America and our brothers and sisters.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
Blogger : www.averagejoe4president2016.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AverageJoe4Pres
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/cha.../UCn4y4ySY1PNEiSUIG18vlyA/feed
Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com

Friday, October 2, 2015

Obama wants you to give your guns up..... Now!

What this idiot that calls himself President of the United States fails to mention is that criminals do not obey gun laws and and they are not going through background checks and obtaining a gun legally to commit crimes. The gun laws in place need enforced and upheld and yes some may need some adjustments and even removals to ensure every American can legally obtain training and care and their right to own a gun. What is routine is that this administration has done all it can to convince you to give up your gun so the left can force more government down your throat just like Nazi's did in Germany that led to WW2. Americans realize you are full of shit Mr. President and that taking guns away will not prevent these tragedies from happening. In fact where you have toughest gun laws in the country have the highest crime and murder rates in our country. No matter your argument for gun bans and removal of legal ways to own a gun it will never prevent bad people who want to harm others getting a gun illegally (like they do already) from black market, smugglers, etc and kill innocent people. Your arrogance at America and its soul along with your policies are fueling the fire of America;s self destruction.

Poverty and lack of education is what creates crimes and drives that motivation to take what isn't yours, to steal and fight or kill when the individual stands up for themselves. Its policies like you have created that drives our economy and job creation lower and poverty levels higher that creates demand for criminals to become desperate and seek out criminal acts to survive or provide for themselves and families and then the real bad people who just want to watch the world burn. Medication prices so high no one can afford, healthcare that treats illnesses but seeks no cures creates drug wars and abuse. Until you can see this and make changes to empower America and erase borders in income inequality , then you will not end crimes, murders, drugs, or mass shootings, or drive by's or people killing Christians in the name of another religion in a classroom. Policies that created an open season on people who fight to protect our nation and our cities streets, that created mass shootings and murders of our military and police forces. You are no leader and not fit to sit as President of the United States... Your policies have created the largest racial divide and mass hysteria in our country in past 60 years and have created an open border policy for terrorists to walk into our nation and kill Americans here in our own country.

We need a real American to put the voice of common sense and reason back in politics and restore America to what she should be ...a proud and prosperous America who takes care of its Veterans, our homeless men and women and cares for its children.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
Blogger : www.averagejoe4president2016.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AverageJoe4Pres
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/cha.../UCn4y4ySY1PNEiSUIG18vlyA/feed
Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com

Monday, September 14, 2015

Loss of a legend

Schools used to teach us about history. Good, the bad and the ugly. What they didn't teach was how to be a man or woman. This we learned from the road of hard knocks with life experiences and lessons from our parents and grandparents.
I had the benefit of learning from my grandfather. My mother had separated from my father when I was born and I never knew my father not have I met him. People always say that's terrible but I never missed him and never had to because I had Papaw.  In school we learned about the constitution and the freedoms we were granted and in reality I learned from my Papaw while that's true you have to earn that freedom. I remember being very young and Papaw had come home from working construction. He picked us all up in the truck and we went to Orangeburg so him and his brother Brooks could work on a farm setting tobacco at Henry Lantern's I got to play with my cars next to my uncle Wayne's car in the shade. After it was too dark we went home and Papaw got changed for work at Parkers Tobacco Company in Maysville Ky. I didn't see him again until the next morning when my Aunt Eva, mom and I picked him up from his 3rd shift job to take them to work and start it all over again. He worked his was off that way for many years I can remember then it became two jobs farming and Parkers, then just Farming. He loved and enjoyed every minute on those farms at Leland Pollitts, Henry Lantern's, aunt Bodie Thermans and 22 years farming on Howard Lykins farm.

He taught me that to earn freedom, you have to do what you love. Yes it was hard work and he would never stray away from a good sledgehammer or an axe busting Wood to keep us warm each winter.

Today my grandfather passed away and it's the principals in which he lives by that I hope to pass on to my children and to theirs. Hard work, determination, love of family,and extended family because anyone who he knew became family. There were no friendships because he loved everyone the same. While he faced some health issues this last year and at times struggled, I was honored to once again learn from this man.  He faced adversity and even had a couple stare downs face to face with death this last year and he faced it head on. He never let the obstacles in front of him defeat him. He fought and used the passion and fight and love he had for his family and also wrestling and lived the words "never give up" to be there for us to learn one last lesson.
Today we had a meeting with drs scheduled to determine when he would be coming home.  I sat with him on Saturday morning for a while just talking as we did every other day about how he was doing and the family and great grandkids and he looked a little tired, but you couldn't get the smile off of his face. Looking at pictures of the kids and puppies our dog had and my brothers dog also.... He was at peace. We talked about the meeting and what he wanted to do and I once again left him with an I love you and see you Monday . That last lesson was learned today with his passing and that is we all live for tomorrow and we don't realize tomorrow is never promised ....only today....right now... And not the next ten minutes or 6 months or even a year....

We need to strive to live our lives like Jessie Pollitt and enjoy that freedom live for today in this moment forever as long as you can because tomorrow....it can all be over.

We love you Papaw!

Jessie Elwood Pollitt. R.I.P.1928-2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Is Obama begging for a terror attack?

This is something that cannot happen. There is no vetting process that will work when you have hundreds and thousands of ISIS and Al Qaeda Terrorists that are undocumented with no criminal record or anything to compare against to reduce chance of these terrorists posing as refugees to get a free boat and plane ride to good ole USA and launch an attack on America once again. Why do you o think Muslim nations are refusing them because they know this is a risk and we are going to have an honor system to go on when allowing these people inside our nation? No! This cannot happen because if we allow this they will be here to kill and murder United States Citizens and destroy America. They need to be placed in secure location how about a refugee camp in middle of Sahara desert and send in supplies to keep them safe and provided for. Bringing them inside the USA is a huge mistake we will all pay for if this happens!
You don't have to be a Harvard graduate to see this is a huge mistake. Contact your elected officials and tell them No! and no Visa's or Muslim immigrants until Terrorism is defeated. I'm tired of seeing these people destroy innocent lives on a daily basis because of "supposed Radical Religion" when you have Black Muslims in the USA chanting the same thing to kill Police officers here. It's not racism, or profiling, its common sense. when you have a group of people tied to an ideology that you must murder people or commit Jihad as they claim against anyone who thinks different than them, you don't have a friendly group of people. You have a 21st century Nazi-esque regime and religion that is repeating as WW2 developed against the Jews only now...Islam is taking on all religions and the world and President Obama will do nothing but jeopardize our national security and sovereignty by bending the will of these Islamic terrorists.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Immigration Reform law Proposal


   I have created a comprehensive immigration reform plan that will start with illegals in this country from day one. For everyone that is here that is illegal shouldn't be eligible not qualify for any tax payer benefit until they are registered correctly. With this plan we will also prevent any employer from employing anyone without legal status and will be subject to fines, loss of business license, and subject to re-applying and approval for business license to resume normal operations. We have to eliminate the reasoning for illegals to walk across our border and gain taxpayer benefit they should and do not deserve.  This will also help eliminate "Anchor Baby" problem for future benefit. 

Immigration reform Bill

 Process listed below will outline process for legal citizenship status across borders with Canada and Mexico to reduce illegal immigration and provide an expedited process to gain entry legally into this country. It will not substitute for any other nation or process already in place for immigration other than this specific outlined purpose.

#1 A non citizen(s) can walk across checkpoints in our border before and after wall construction but must pass an  international background check and drug tests as a new applicant and no earlier than 120 days of reapplying after a previous application was denied by Review Board before stepping on to American soil to apply for visa and residential status.  Applicants will stay at a holding village until application is reviewed and finalized to approval or after review of final appeal.

#2 Pay a fee for temporary status (amount to be determined up to and not to exceed $1000 per person and $4000 for       family of 4) *Fees are paid to cover cost and provide temporary housing in Holding village for application process. Fees will not be returned for no reason and will not be reduced based upon number of times applied for legal status.

#3 Review board will review application and make decision within first 21 days

        A :application approval will allow assignment of tax id/social security number to allow legal employment status

        B : any rejection of application must be upon rational decision based on provided evidence from background check, drug test, investigation inquiry etc.

        C: Applicant may apply for an appeal process that decision must be granted within 24 hours on to proceed. Appeal    must be heard and decided within 30 days. If this appeal upholds the previous decision, the applicant(s) may apply for a secondary and final appeal with a Review Board within 14 days. not to exceed 3 months of application date.

      D: Final rejection decision mandates applicant(s) are to return across border within 5-10 days and may not reapply                 or return for 120 days from decision of final Review Board.

  #4  Upon approval of application and legal visa status Applicant(s) must be allowed to vacate holding facility within 24-48 hours. and will follow current Visa regulations to determine continued eligibility and path to citizenship.

  #5 Visa approval allows for employment. No visa applicant will be eligible for Taxpayer subsidies such as Welfare, Medicare,Medicaid, Subsidized Housing or any Government funded program until meet minimum of 6-12 months of           legal employment status inside the United States.

 #6  Any current illegal immigrant in this country must within 60 days of bill passing must contact this agency to begin the approval process. 
 #7   Anyone in this country now as an illegal who is caught or captured and not willingly contacted this agency to begin legal status will be deported and must follow this process to gain admittance to this country.

   #8 Children born in this country before approval and implementation date of this act will be guaranteed the protection     of the 14th amendment guaranteeing citizenship. Parents will be given amnesty  upon drug and criminal background checks and given legal status upon approved responses by the requested documents. Failure of criminal background checks other than illegal status must apply through the above outlined process for legal status.

Bill draft created and presented by Greg Pollitt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
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Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Battle for America

In just a few days, the debates will happen with a slew of Presidential candidates vying for your vote and mine to restore pride to "old Glory" and fight a huge battle in saving our nations future. It will be about how each of them can lead this country into its transformation. You have people like Dr. Ben Carson, Dr Rand Paul, Businessman Donald Trump , and career politicians like Mike Huckabee and all of them wish to be President of the United States of America. So before the debates begin I have a few words I want to share with you and all of the candidates, so I'll begin with this :

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

You have collectively all failed! You have allowed President Obama, a domestic terrorist to run our democracy into the ground. You have failed by allowing this man's policies to reduce our military. You allowed him to force a illegal healthcare program on it's citizens. You have allowed him to target conservatives through a federal agency if anyone questioned his policies. You allowed President Obama to trade 5 terrorist for the life of a traitor to this nation and his brothers by birth all American Citizens. You allowed him to spy illegally on American citizens. You all are in some way shape or form to blame for not doing enough to prevent these matters. You have allowed this man to publicly belittle servicemen who die from a terror attack in Benghazi and also, on the soil of America. Then to see him disrespect them not even lowering the flag for almost a week shows he is no commander in chief but a failure in a suit!

   I am not here to lay blame to President Obama any longer... I am here to ask a very famous question asked by our 35th President, "Ask not what our country can do for you,ask what can you do for our country?

Our nation is in racial divide, a free fall with civil disobedience that has led to innocent lives lost on both sides of color and on either side of the badge to protect and serve. A plan to cut our military being to it's weakest point and now a nation who negotiates with Terrorists and led by a man who refuses to look an enemy in the eye and tell them "we will not go quietly! We will not lie down in the face of fear ! We will not allow the persecution of anyone no matter the race, their creed, or their religion. "  

America wants to know not about your wallet, not about your dream to become President, We want to know in these debates, a clear road map to restoring America. We want you to perform an abortion to Planned Parenthood! End its funding and murdering of innocent lives. We want to see our borders secured so no one comes here illegally. We want to see the rise of the American dream to the heavens with opportunity with jobs, healthcare and most importantly we want to see who isn't afraid to fight corruption and help lead America into a new millennium of  Democracy that will never sacrifice our morals and values to the public opinion of any group or nation who wants to destroy us and our way of life. 

I have a challenge for you all, do not give in to the darkness of the course we are on. We must stop this enemy and all enemies foreign and domestic and now it is up to All of you to see who is that person? What will you do? Who will unite our nation? What lengths will you go to carry  Lady Liberty's torch into the darkness to make America great again?

So who will be the first President of the United States to lead our nation once it's reborn in 2016?

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
Blogger : www.averagejoe4president2016.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AverageJoe4Pres
Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/chann…/UCn4y4ySY1PNEiSUIG18vlyA/feed

Sunday, July 19, 2015

America, time for the truth!!!!!

Its time we all admitted the truth and let's face it, it isn't radical Islam,  it's Islam all together. The Muslims who don't agree with this ideology are the ones who question Islam and it's rhetoric and are the ones who convert from Islam eventually because of how evil it is. The biggest issue that no one wants to say is the truth, and that truth is that we are involved in  religious war where Islam is out to erase all traces of religion and they're winning. They are beheading christians, jews, and anyone else in their way because of Islam and it's teachings. 

Our nation has fundamentally been changed to a country with hope and opportunity to one that bows to Muslims. The bully is winning in the schoolyard taking our lunch money and beating up our citizens and now 5 servicemen were murdered in cold blood. I asked a friend of mine whose in the military I said " how we can we beat their ideology you can't stop them from thinking "...without missing a beat he said my m16 says otherwise when I stop their heart, they stop thinking" . This is being treated as political when it's going to only be settled with bullets and bombs. Only question is where that will take place? In the sands of middle east or mainstream USA?

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
Blogger : www.averagejoe4president2016.blogspot.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AverageJoe4Pres
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Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com