Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Government Free Fall!

   Our government is on a freefall. Freedoms that our men and women in the military have fought to protect and uphold are being stripped away from us through the actions of this administration more than any other. Restrictions, unfair regulations, forced healthcare, removing key elements of our military leadership, importing terrorist into our country hidden as refugees who live off of the taxpayers to attack our nation from within.  Does this sound like the plotline of a TV show or a Hollywood blockbuster? Well I wish I could say it was, but it’s the plotline of an attack on our nation from the current elected party that has control of this nation.  


   It is time we have more "Average Joe's" stand up for our country. My time is now. I would like to request an appearance on an upcoming show about our government and initiating the actions of the sleeping "Manchurian candidate". That sleeping Manchurian Candidate is none other than the American People. The American citizens have become complacent with our government and now we sit back and fear the government “we collectively elected” that is stripping freedoms away, and democracy with laws such as the ACA, and the most recent “Nuclear option” that takes away part of our checks and balance procedure to ensure fairness across the land and completely impartial. We need to awaken and fight to take back our country while we still can before it’s too late.


  The road we are traveling on we could  see martial law declared, our constitution suspended, all in the scheme of protection to gain complete power and dissolve our nation into a country reigned by a dictator. Actions of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other main elements of the Obama administration have already done this by the laws they have forced to be passed. It is also happening right in front of us.


 Are you prepared to live in a third world country under the control of a dictator?


Are you prepared to see military personnel on every street in every town in America to ensure you “OBEY” the administration?


Are you prepared to be ushered into “camps” or towns just because you have a different political or religious point of view or beliefs?


 Our nation is on a dangerous road to no recovery from these assaults. We must act now and take back our government.


-Do not vote for those who wish to make government large, and strip you of freedoms.


-Recall any elected official who supports bills that attack the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and what they stand for.


-Vote for those who wish to repeal the ACA, get the NSA under control, restores our military might, and most importantly those who truly listen to your voice, the voice of the People. Yes there will be some unpopular decisions by any elected official or administration and no one is perfect but the guy or gal who fights for your rights, should be the one who gets your vote.

That’s why I have decided to run for President. There are too few “elected officials” that are truly out to represent you. They get elected for the paycheck, the perks and push their agendas, but forget about the agenda of our nation and that is Freedom!

It's time we unite together not as democrats and republicans but as Americans.




Yours truly,


The next President of the United States

Greg Pollitt


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