Tuesday, September 17, 2013


If chemical weapons were in fact used in Syria something should be done about it. The United Nations peacekeeping force should intervene to prevent further chemical weapons usage. This country is obviously in a state of civil war and it is something that the nation of Syria must unfortunately go through. This is not a mission for the United States yet to become involved in and should be left to the United Nation forces to access the situation, determine clearly and prove chemical weapons useage then deal with them accordingly. The United States should not jump the gun and get us involved in another civil war unless all other options are lost.

I agree 100%, that no nation should ever be allowed to use chemical weapons on anyone in peace, or at war. I propose that as the leader in the Free World we push for the enforcement in ban and usage of chemical weapons and allow the United Nations inspection teams to randomly inspect every nation including ...our own to ensure the destruction of these types of weapons. "THERE IS NO ROOM IN WAREFARE FOR CHEMICAL WEAPONS".

When I was growing up and got in to many scuffles in and out of school, my grandfather taught me that if you get into a fight what ever the reason, right or wrong, you fight with every inch of your soul to defend yourself and others. He also taught me that even if you lose that fight, you always fight fair. So in that I am saying if you cant win with traditional warfare and have to resort to chemical weapons attacks, are you any better than your opposition?

I propose that Mr. President continue to pursue international support and action by the United Nations . If and only if no one will step up to the table, that we do take forms of action to prevent any further usages of chemical weapons, and capture those responsible to be held in world court and prosecuted of their crimes, even if we must go to war.

We must force the United Nations to do the job of enforcing international law. I believe with enough pressure and diplomatic procedures that our involvement in another war can be prevented as long as the United Nations and international support condemns this action and stands up against this tyrannical and disgusting attack on its people

The Syria situation is not an easy decision. On one hand we cannot allow any nation to perform chemical weapons attacks on anyone. Any resolution we try to enforce will only anger their allies in Russia, China, and Iran which will create even more unrest in that seriously unstable region. On the other hand we have Al Qaeda leading the rebels against the tyrannical Syrian administration. So we have ...a case of our hands being tied either way. So I have to agree with Senator Rand Paul in staying completely out of this until we know who would be in power after our intervention. We cannot afford internationally another terrorist producing / harboring nation and we cannot allow an international "pass" on the use of Chemical/Biological/Nuclear weapons and we cannot involve ourselves in another civil war that could escalate globally.

Living Wage

The recent strike by McDonald's employees and other fast food establishments over the right to earn a living wage and form unions has been a stimulating event in how every American feels. Most companies do not offer a cost of living increase yearly to help offset the growth of costs across the board, which leaves many families working two or more jobs just to scrape by.

The hardest factor on o...ur economic situation has been gas and oil prices. What used to cost me to fill my truck was $25-30 now is $75-90 which is beyond insane. This caused manufacturing, shipping and transportation jobs to raise their costs but yet you and I do not get a raise in pay to help offset these and leaves us with less money to buy the more expensive groceries and other goods. This one factor if rise in oil prices has single handedly created the recession we are in. The housing market dropped, employers cut jobs, all of this because oil companies have us right where they want us....putting money in their bank accounts while almost each quarter many oil companies are posting record profits. It has also caused for the first time in history for a war to not stimulate an economy which through war debts etc would normally reduce our national debt.

These factors are why our country is hurting economicaly and making it so hard for the "AverageJoe" to make a living and support their families and forcing many to seek help through public assistance which has added to the increase of our national debt.

How no one in Washington D.C. can see this is crazy. That is why I have been an advocate to raise minimum wage federally to at least $10 per hour but I'm definitely on board for supporting legislation that raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Now people will say that for example your dollar menu items will go away and a double cheeseburger will now be $4.. This isnt necessarily true. Yes it will cut into companies profits at the beginning. The after effects is where they will make it back up and here's why.

Now that you earn a living wage, you are happier, you tend to care more about your job and the effort you put in and consumers notice this. If they have a more enjoyable time at your restaurant or retail establishment, they are more likely to return and through cause and effect spend more money because they also have more money and can afford to purchase maybe something other than a necessity.

This is why I want to raise minimum wages. This is why I want to force a fight for alternative energy to produce hydrogen and electric hybrid vehicles and eliminate ourselves from the forced rape by the oils companies have on our families and our country. This is why you and I need to stand together and make the American people's voice be heard loud and clear that "We the people " come first and shoul be supported before anyone else. This is why I am your candidate to be the "AverageJoe4President2016" and how we take back our country.

American Dream?

I want to talk about my favorite fairytale called "The lost American Dream".

Once upon a time, there was a country that was the brightest beacon of freedom in the world. It was free from oppression, you had a guaranteed set of rights that were not to ever be infringed upon and one a single person in the family could be the provider and quality family time was valued above all else. Then came t...he second revolution where things became unraveled.

Now it takes both members if the family to be the provider and in many cases they have to have more than one job just to accomplish that. The American family values have been list to those who are the worker ants. The peasants to the industrialized big business "kings" have to give up many family events even on holidays because big business has seemed to deem it necessary that only the elite can enjoy family time because you and I have to work to make their dream a reality. The initiative of family values are long but gone and that dream has long since died.

I propose legislation that would force businesses to pay living wages with an annual cost of living increase in pay on top of performance based reviews to also gain raises in pay. The legislation would also prevent businesses from working on federal holidays excluding medical facilities and police and emergency crews . These services are in much need and very difficult to reduce their valued efforts to protect and save lives. I would strongly encourage these services to reduce as much time served on these holidays so that each person can work but shifts be limited on duration so everyone has family time. Its time we enjoy family life again.

What are your thoughts?

Our future

America, the final frontier. This is a challenge not if science fiction, but if science fact. Oil prices have single handedly crippled our economy. Oil along with bad decisions by banks crippled the housing market. Oil has also so single handedly created the largest lower class since the great depression. Yet you and I take multiple jobs, for our families to live and provide for them to survive. ...Our government should serve in its best interest of making the lives of our citizens and countrymen better. Nations across the globe should be envious of our ability to rise above defeat, poverty, and the ability to provide for its own like no other, and then they strive to be like us in their own nations and our world can be at peace with itself.

I always thought of our government to be like an old story I was told as a child about a King. The King was called to power by the people of a village to defend against an evil empire. Though humbled, the King looked at this with great responsibility and with all the wealth his fellow men gave him as king, he always have back. He would buy cattle and seed for farmers to grow for food. He would buy food from the farmers to help with the poorest of the poor. The people respected him and fought beside him with pride and honor.

This fairytale is how I envisioned our government not as a King, but a government that was elected from pride an honor. Leaders who with all their wealth who would give back to the people who supported them. Leaders who take care of their people before themselves and make our country greater than ever.

That is why we must stop foreign aid to countries that grow terrorism and offer only assistance to those who need it, but not at am expense to our own people. Our eleted officials must have a greater sense of its own people and country before they could ever expand democracy and promote freedom to the world.

So I ask that you stand with me and help make our country great. Lets build a nation that is not better than another, but one of honesty, integrity and truly free.

Thank you all for your continued and growing support. Lets work together, lets do it now.


Healthcare revision

2016 Presidential Platform Healthcare revision:

After some discussion and reflection through private parties and those through social media via debates on parts of my Presidential Platform, I have come to a realization that just maybe a government provided health care may not be the last resort or the best "fix all" to a low cost affordable, health care policy that protects you when you need it most. Here is a revision or an alternative to my pre-posted platform policy on Health care.

I am open to competition that keeps the heath care policies prices low. Just like a full coverage car insurance plan that covers everything after your deductable, so should healthcare. If you have an insurance policy then it should cover you 100% and no questions about it. My vision of a true health insurance plan sought out by an individual or family or one that is provided by our government is one that offers complete coverage. A government provided program (i.e. welfare program) offers this type of ability with some companies enforcing policies such as what can or can’t be used or during a dental or DR’s visit. These exceptions are unacceptable.
On your personal policy, you would pay a low cost established co-pay that deducts from your policies deductable (i.e. $500) and all medical services are covered with no “RED TAPE” or exclusions. You should not have to worry about whether or not you have coverage to visit the Dr’s office or hospitals etc to preserve and extend your life. If you have a common cold, or AIDS, or in need of an organ transplant you should not be screened or financially profiled on your ability to afford life.

I am firmly against high prices, any type of “REDTAPE” or exclusion provisions in any type of Healthcare policy. This needs to be a focus of everyone and I believe everyone should have insurance; it should not be mandatory or provisional like the current Affordable Health Care Act (aka ObamaCare). You should have a choice and it be an affordable choice.

Greg Pollitt


Please leave your thoughts and comments

Daily Rant

The tragic events are still being reported on what happens today at the Navy Yard incident. The tragic loss of life and unfortunate events that took place remind us that every day, life is precious. We can not take anything for granted and must live each day like it is our last.

Now with this incident you will have the people on the left and right begin arguing once again about gun control. Let me make it clear one last time, evil exists in the human heart, not in cold hard steel, aluminum, plastic or composite components that make up a firearm. It has no ill will toward anyone and in the hands of someone honorable it is a aid in protection and in the hands of evil it carries out the deeds of impurity of one heart and mind. The gun control debate ended in 1791 when it was ratified as part of our bill of rights in the constitution of the United States. Taking guns away will only harm the people who want to defend themselves or recreational purposes. In case you people way out there on the left who want to ban every gun on the planet weren't aware, criminals do not obey the law. They will still obtain weapons and use them to hurt the innocent. The right to defend ourselves,our families and our property is guaranteed. How about we enforce laws that actually would prevent criminals from getting an opportunity to harm someone. Start enforcing current laws before you write new ones that hurt everyone because you are a poor leader.
