Thursday, December 12, 2013

We are at War!!!

We are at war....
In todays society everyone and everything is fast paced. Patience has become a long lost virtue and that is not excluding our own political processes. The fact if the matter is quite clear, we are at a critical time in history that puts all of our freedoms at risk.
We are at the threshold of a bright future and the brink of self destruction. We are at war! The war is not a distant enemy from a far away land. The enemy doesnt wear a uniform or fly their flag. The enemy was born and elected into power by you....and by me. There is a very select few who fight for you and I in our elected positions of power. For many, they use their own personal agenda to push their ideals of a country feared of their government. These elected officials use our lives, our rights and liberty as pawns in an elaborate chess game where one side of the board is untouchable and not a single piece can be lost, while you and I fight from the other side of the board, and we lose peices every day.
The battle is about freedom. Your right's and liberties and how they move to make the constitution extinct. A figment of our imagination where we are mindless souls who do the king and queens bidding.

The odds are stacked against us. They try to take our religion, our guns, our speech, our power to fight against them.  Those in power are afraid of what you...and I will do. That fear is not of rising up against them. That is expected. What they fear most is that we take their power away. Just as our forefathers did to King George and all of his almighty military in 1776. This war cannot be won from sitting on the sidelines of ignorance, but on the front lines of intelligence. You must open your eyes and see the danger and the risks we all face if we do not stop the maddness from the beasts within our halls of Congress and the White House.

Our war, is that of self preservation. Our fight is to ensure the longevity and the freedoms our working constitution guarantees. Will you join the fight? Will you give the power back to the people? Will you rise as a patriot in casting these demons aside and electing new representation..... of the people....for the people.... By you...and I... The people of these United States of America..... Or will you watch from the sidelines as you freedom slips away into the dark of night like that  of a child falling asleep.....and awaking in a new nightmare?

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