Saturday, October 11, 2014

Recipe to martial law and suspension to the constitution.
By Greg Pollitt
Candidate for President 2016
Blogger :
It is no doubt that the road we are on in this country is a very unstable road. This administration is a large support of Muslims and refuses to see the truth. Either because they are blind or just plain ignorant to foresee the dangers ISIS, ISIL , Hamas, Russia, Iran, North Korea, China , Al Qaeda, and whatever terror group wants to make a name for itself today.  They want a religious war. They wish to eliminate every religion or convert you to Islam much like the crusades when Christianity became a major religion in the world. It isn’t the year 1095 anymore we are in the 21st century, and we all should be more advanced in ideology and tolerance of one another to respectfully disagree about how we participate in our own religious beliefs.
            These men are not one of a holy mission. There is no religion that should ever support the rape, torture, decapitation of women, children or anyone else. Now some would say that is contradictory of my point I made earlier about the Crusades. That is true. However Christianity and the world learned from its mistakes and was fundamentally changed when thirteen colonies fought for freedom of religion and independence from religion being forced down there throats and not conforming to their beliefs. That war was the Revolutionary war not just for this nation, but for freedom and freedom of religion.  While America has many issues to improve upon we strive to “form a more perfect union”, that is of freedom, prosperity, and of tolerance.
            This Obama administration does not view America as our forefathers intended.  What should have been a defining moment in History becoming the first African American in history to become leader of the free world; instead it has become a legacy of failures and attacks on the history that created the opportunity for him and for us all. They are afraid of the “W” word….WAR. Politicians and bureaucrats have the mindset if you just call it something else instead of what the situation truly is, then it somehow makes it better.  Unfortunately that is not how the world works.
War by any other name is War. We are involved in a religious war and by god I say lets give it to them.
What I mean by that is not a fight against their religion for elimination of Islam but to show how religion is supposed to be; compassionate, tolerant, supportive for the evolution of all mankind to become better than what we were, to strive to form a more perfect species of humanity. We fight the fear they instill in us by using Islam as a weapon. We show them that we are not afraid of these cowards who hide behind an ideology to preach destruction. We engage in the war against tyrants, terrorists, and the evil that drives these men to attack the innocent and an all out attack to eliminate these evils.
  It is not the religious war they want, but that’s the one we should give them.
The Obama administration doesn’t want war, nor de any of us but that point is obsolete. We are involved in a war with ISIS and terrorism, whether we like it or not. So now its time to saddle up the war machine because if we don’t tragedy will only come to haunt us here in our home. Failure to eliminate ISIS will only give them strength. They will continue their attacks until we begin having more attacks in the United States much like the beheading in Oklahoma. We will have more threats and attacks on the innocent like the recent threats on by beheading school children in Rhode Island. ISIS will continue to create chaos in our own country until all hell breaks lose nationwide like what we seen in the Arab countries in the last few years and in St. Louis after the killing of Michael Brown.  All of this chaos with the Ebola outbreak apparently poised to become a large epidemic globally presents a perfect case to suspend habeas corpus and then the government could declare martial law throughout the nation and suspend the entire constitution.
 The recipe is on the table and some ingredients have already made it into the pot and commander in Chef –Barrack Obama has his hands full.
 Playing golf and going on another vacation, or simply ignoring the enemy will not change the path in which we are upon.
Its time, to put on your big boy pants and start acting like a leader, or step aside.
It’s time we had an average voice of the people lead our nation. It’s time we had an #averagejoeforpresident.
Greg Pollitt
Candidate for President 2016
Blogger :


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