Sunday, July 19, 2015

Destruction of America

 Recently I was asked how President Obama compared to any other president and how is his ideology different from those before him. Obama has no comparison. He has attacked our civil liberties by forcing a crappie Healthcare law down people's throats that many can't afford and have lost their Dr's. He also ran guns to Mexico through fast and furious, attacking conservatives with IRS that emails magically disappeared from. Him and Hillary Clinton are responsible for the deaths of Americans in Benghazi on 9/11 , he expanded the Patriot act to spy on Americans without a warrant and allow information to be collected. Constantly trying to ban our second amendment and take away our rights to protect ourselves. Your right such leadership is awesome. Remember when he spoke out about Michael Brown, events in Florida, New york, Baltimore. South Carolina, and endorsing actions against our police officers instead of calling for calm, and independent investigations, he began beating the racism drum leading to riots, two cities destroyed, when a much better approach was to use the justice department for what they are supposed to be doing and investigate instead of running guns and drugs to terrorist in Mexico. Let's also not forget freeing 5 Al-Qeada leaders for a traitor that walked out on his country in middle of battle and refuses to try to bring home US citizens in this crappy Iran Deal that they say prevents them from building a nuclear bomb.... Who cares if they build it, when you have Russia,North Korea, and China all ready to sell them one or 1000 . Israel our greatest Ally is in Danger as well as every American citizen abroad and now at home.

Obama has transformed this nation into an apologetic, his leadership is of a terrorist sympathizer, who refuses to do anything to aid our veterans here at home with the whole V.A. scandal as well. We are becoming a socialist state away from democracy and the attitude everyone takes is well if it don't bother me I don't care what happens will soon haunt all of us. Our men and women in service deserve a leader who unites our country and pulls them together in times of tragedy, not divide them as he did with Ferguson,Baltimore, and complete disrespect for anyone whose not a Muslim. 

Only thing he has done that is legally right, was push for marriage equality. Some may have arguments against its morality that's their own personal issues. By our Constitution and how equality is something it endorses, means that the LGBT community has rights as everyone else. 


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