Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Battle for America

In just a few days, the debates will happen with a slew of Presidential candidates vying for your vote and mine to restore pride to "old Glory" and fight a huge battle in saving our nations future. It will be about how each of them can lead this country into its transformation. You have people like Dr. Ben Carson, Dr Rand Paul, Businessman Donald Trump , and career politicians like Mike Huckabee and all of them wish to be President of the United States of America. So before the debates begin I have a few words I want to share with you and all of the candidates, so I'll begin with this :

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

You have collectively all failed! You have allowed President Obama, a domestic terrorist to run our democracy into the ground. You have failed by allowing this man's policies to reduce our military. You allowed him to force a illegal healthcare program on it's citizens. You have allowed him to target conservatives through a federal agency if anyone questioned his policies. You allowed President Obama to trade 5 terrorist for the life of a traitor to this nation and his brothers by birth all American Citizens. You allowed him to spy illegally on American citizens. You all are in some way shape or form to blame for not doing enough to prevent these matters. You have allowed this man to publicly belittle servicemen who die from a terror attack in Benghazi and also, on the soil of America. Then to see him disrespect them not even lowering the flag for almost a week shows he is no commander in chief but a failure in a suit!

   I am not here to lay blame to President Obama any longer... I am here to ask a very famous question asked by our 35th President, "Ask not what our country can do for you,ask what can you do for our country?

Our nation is in racial divide, a free fall with civil disobedience that has led to innocent lives lost on both sides of color and on either side of the badge to protect and serve. A plan to cut our military being to it's weakest point and now a nation who negotiates with Terrorists and led by a man who refuses to look an enemy in the eye and tell them "we will not go quietly! We will not lie down in the face of fear ! We will not allow the persecution of anyone no matter the race, their creed, or their religion. "  

America wants to know not about your wallet, not about your dream to become President, We want to know in these debates, a clear road map to restoring America. We want you to perform an abortion to Planned Parenthood! End its funding and murdering of innocent lives. We want to see our borders secured so no one comes here illegally. We want to see the rise of the American dream to the heavens with opportunity with jobs, healthcare and most importantly we want to see who isn't afraid to fight corruption and help lead America into a new millennium of  Democracy that will never sacrifice our morals and values to the public opinion of any group or nation who wants to destroy us and our way of life. 

I have a challenge for you all, do not give in to the darkness of the course we are on. We must stop this enemy and all enemies foreign and domestic and now it is up to All of you to see who is that person? What will you do? Who will unite our nation? What lengths will you go to carry  Lady Liberty's torch into the darkness to make America great again?

So who will be the first President of the United States to lead our nation once it's reborn in 2016?

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GregPollitt4Pres
Blogger : www.averagejoe4president2016.blogspot.com
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Email: averagejoe4president@yahoo.com
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/chann…/UCn4y4ySY1PNEiSUIG18vlyA/feed

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