Friday, September 11, 2015

Is Obama begging for a terror attack?

This is something that cannot happen. There is no vetting process that will work when you have hundreds and thousands of ISIS and Al Qaeda Terrorists that are undocumented with no criminal record or anything to compare against to reduce chance of these terrorists posing as refugees to get a free boat and plane ride to good ole USA and launch an attack on America once again. Why do you o think Muslim nations are refusing them because they know this is a risk and we are going to have an honor system to go on when allowing these people inside our nation? No! This cannot happen because if we allow this they will be here to kill and murder United States Citizens and destroy America. They need to be placed in secure location how about a refugee camp in middle of Sahara desert and send in supplies to keep them safe and provided for. Bringing them inside the USA is a huge mistake we will all pay for if this happens!
You don't have to be a Harvard graduate to see this is a huge mistake. Contact your elected officials and tell them No! and no Visa's or Muslim immigrants until Terrorism is defeated. I'm tired of seeing these people destroy innocent lives on a daily basis because of "supposed Radical Religion" when you have Black Muslims in the USA chanting the same thing to kill Police officers here. It's not racism, or profiling, its common sense. when you have a group of people tied to an ideology that you must murder people or commit Jihad as they claim against anyone who thinks different than them, you don't have a friendly group of people. You have a 21st century Nazi-esque regime and religion that is repeating as WW2 developed against the Jews only now...Islam is taking on all religions and the world and President Obama will do nothing but jeopardize our national security and sovereignty by bending the will of these Islamic terrorists.

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