Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our future

America, the final frontier. This is a challenge not if science fiction, but if science fact. Oil prices have single handedly crippled our economy. Oil along with bad decisions by banks crippled the housing market. Oil has also so single handedly created the largest lower class since the great depression. Yet you and I take multiple jobs, for our families to live and provide for them to survive. ...Our government should serve in its best interest of making the lives of our citizens and countrymen better. Nations across the globe should be envious of our ability to rise above defeat, poverty, and the ability to provide for its own like no other, and then they strive to be like us in their own nations and our world can be at peace with itself.

I always thought of our government to be like an old story I was told as a child about a King. The King was called to power by the people of a village to defend against an evil empire. Though humbled, the King looked at this with great responsibility and with all the wealth his fellow men gave him as king, he always have back. He would buy cattle and seed for farmers to grow for food. He would buy food from the farmers to help with the poorest of the poor. The people respected him and fought beside him with pride and honor.

This fairytale is how I envisioned our government not as a King, but a government that was elected from pride an honor. Leaders who with all their wealth who would give back to the people who supported them. Leaders who take care of their people before themselves and make our country greater than ever.

That is why we must stop foreign aid to countries that grow terrorism and offer only assistance to those who need it, but not at am expense to our own people. Our eleted officials must have a greater sense of its own people and country before they could ever expand democracy and promote freedom to the world.

So I ask that you stand with me and help make our country great. Lets build a nation that is not better than another, but one of honesty, integrity and truly free.

Thank you all for your continued and growing support. Lets work together, lets do it now.


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