Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Living Wage

The recent strike by McDonald's employees and other fast food establishments over the right to earn a living wage and form unions has been a stimulating event in how every American feels. Most companies do not offer a cost of living increase yearly to help offset the growth of costs across the board, which leaves many families working two or more jobs just to scrape by.

The hardest factor on o...ur economic situation has been gas and oil prices. What used to cost me to fill my truck was $25-30 now is $75-90 which is beyond insane. This caused manufacturing, shipping and transportation jobs to raise their costs but yet you and I do not get a raise in pay to help offset these and leaves us with less money to buy the more expensive groceries and other goods. This one factor if rise in oil prices has single handedly created the recession we are in. The housing market dropped, employers cut jobs, all of this because oil companies have us right where they want us....putting money in their bank accounts while almost each quarter many oil companies are posting record profits. It has also caused for the first time in history for a war to not stimulate an economy which through war debts etc would normally reduce our national debt.

These factors are why our country is hurting economicaly and making it so hard for the "AverageJoe" to make a living and support their families and forcing many to seek help through public assistance which has added to the increase of our national debt.

How no one in Washington D.C. can see this is crazy. That is why I have been an advocate to raise minimum wage federally to at least $10 per hour but I'm definitely on board for supporting legislation that raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Now people will say that for example your dollar menu items will go away and a double cheeseburger will now be $4.. This isnt necessarily true. Yes it will cut into companies profits at the beginning. The after effects is where they will make it back up and here's why.

Now that you earn a living wage, you are happier, you tend to care more about your job and the effort you put in and consumers notice this. If they have a more enjoyable time at your restaurant or retail establishment, they are more likely to return and through cause and effect spend more money because they also have more money and can afford to purchase maybe something other than a necessity.

This is why I want to raise minimum wages. This is why I want to force a fight for alternative energy to produce hydrogen and electric hybrid vehicles and eliminate ourselves from the forced rape by the oils companies have on our families and our country. This is why you and I need to stand together and make the American people's voice be heard loud and clear that "We the people " come first and shoul be supported before anyone else. This is why I am your candidate to be the "AverageJoe4President2016" and how we take back our country.

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