Thursday, August 22, 2013

Presidential Platform

Hello and welcome to my blog. I am Greg Pollitt and I am running for President of The united States to be a voice of the people and for the people. I am the embodiment of the "Average Joe " and I think it's time that we make a difference together as a nation and not for the corporate or current political greed that corrupts our system of government. In this Blog I hope to help you learn more about me and what a better way to start than to let you know where I stand on certain issues that worry me and how I think I can fix them.  Please read and leave your thoughts.

                                          2016 Presidential Platform

Candidate: Greg Pollitt

Party: Registered Republican

Party support: American People

  In this day and age, our country has fallen behind in many aspects of manufacturing and technological advances and especially our educational system. We have had to bear the cost of a two front war for the majority of a decade and above all else the cost of so many lives fighting for our freedoms, our security, and the security of our allies and interests abroad.  We have reduced our troops in the sands of Iraq and Afghanistan, but what our government doesn’t tell you is that the war on terror will never be over. As long as a person, or group that has a fundamental ideal that resists its own or other governments views or laws along with the will of its people, there will always be “terrorism” in the eyes of those who oppose it. The “Occupy “ movement and even events by the “Tea Party” or other groups could soon be  viewed as terrorists movements just because they stand for their beliefs of freedom and how this country should improve.  

  The attack on our civil liberties must stop. The preservation of our bill of rights is a must and shall not be infringed upon by this or any other future government. The NSA (National Security Agency) along with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the DOJ (Department of Justice) and Homeland Security, all have very important roles to play in our national security. These establishments are essential but their practices have been questionable to say the least. I recommend that a civilian oversight committee be established to oversee the processes and to act as a check and balance system to prevent any unlawful or questionable practice in their duties. Information is necessary for them to do their jobs but there has to be a better way to do this. The Patriot Act is not the enemy of the people. It has been abused by this administration to be used in its current state. The DOJ must adhere to oversee this along with the proposed civilian oversight committee to prevent abuse and to do what it has intended. To give law enforcement stronger abilities to execute faster deadlines on warrants intelligence gathering by legal and lawful ways that do not violate the any amendment in our constitution especially our Bill of Rights.  If found that the departments continue to abuse the laws for their benefit, then reprimands, along with the terminations of individuals and restructuring of organizations will be enforced to guarantee that no civil liberties are infringed upon.

   It is time that American People have a voice that the government fears. Our government is corrupt with power and its ability to make you do what it wants. That is not how a democracy should work. Our government is supposed to work for the people and to protect our country. Its time that this happens and we hold those accountable for violating those actions. When elected to office I will publish results of every vote on any and every elected official so that the American Public can see what their elected officials are voting for. If it is not what they were elected to do, then you have valid evidence to engage a recall of the elected official and replace with someone who will. But to make this fair, we have to eliminate junk legislation and propose clear cut laws on the subject matter only, not tying in other programs to violate the ability to deal with a matter at hand issue. Currently the practice is to write a bill that gets voted on that has multiple programs attached and some good programs but also many bad ideas that get voted on and drug through attached to a popular bill of legislation.  This has to stop and better practices must endure to enable the betterment of elected officials to the people they represent.

  The American people deserve the best of our government and if they cant provide, then they need replaced.

Gun control

This debate ended with the ratification of the second amendment which states that you have the right to own a firearm. There is no distinction on which type because there should be no distinction. The only thing that has been illegal is to allowance of fully automatic weapons. That is fine unless you have the proper license own one. So truly there is no distinction or limitation on firearms possession or ownership. I propose that any law by any city, state, or federal establishment that is in place that restricts or violates the 2nd amendment in any way be overturned and shall no longer be enforced. 



The State of our Union is in despair. Our economy is falling, our infrastructure failing and all while this war in Afghanistan and Iraq are the first wars in history that did not boost a countries economy. Ours has fallen and continues to fall with one enemy that continues to destroy our every day ability to travel, provide food for our families, find work, or even get to work. That enemy is none other than “Big Oil” companies and their stronghold on all of these. It is a monopoly that must be dealt with. Just because there are many companies does not bear to distract the difference between it as a monopoly and that it holds the world hostage. Gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, are things that the U.S. Military is the world’s largest customer and its largest consumer. With prices doubling and tripling during the decade long wars, has crippled our economy. It has caused our country to raise its debt ceiling, and crippling your personal finances and how you lie, and provide for yourselves and your families.

Just in the last 5 years, gasoline has not been below $1.88 a gallon after President George Bush left office.  When your car or SUV once would cost $25-30 per fill up is now costing $60-100 to fill up. This reduces the ability to have any wiggle room in the “Average Joe’s” wallet to pay bills only, with a huge reduction in discretionary spending that our economy thrives on.  This is why I propose huge movements by our government to support, produce, and promote alternative fuels to eradicate the hold that “BIG OIL” has on our economy. Think of our economy as a young beautiful girl walking in a dark alley and “Big Oil” as a rapist lurking in the shadows, every day she walks that path, attacking her on a daily basis with no way to escape.  Our nation is in its most dire of straights mainly because of this enemy.


We will fix our roads and bridges via the Army Corp of Engineers in conjunction with public and private contractors to rebuild/build the countries roads, bridges, levies, and construct hydrogen refueling centers to replace Gas stations. Hydrogen/electric hybrid automobiles will be the way of the future to get us off of our oil addiction.  This will create millions in jobs, to run and operate crews 24 hours a day in every city, rural area etc. This will also include a project to build tunnels along highways and roadways to move electric / utility lines underground to enable better efficiency and prevent power outages caused by wind /storm damage. These tunnels can be monitored via CCTV roving security and employees and other electronic measures to prevent sabotage and quick repairs if necessary.

Job Creation/ Energy Production

  Today it easier and cheaper for an American business to export jobs to an overseas factory that manufactures and produces its goods to then  import the product back to America and sell at a huge profit. The American initiative has been lost, and it has become all about the mighty buck instead of long term domestic and international prosperity.

 My proposal of businesses will be required to add a quarterly quota on full time and part time jobs that are living wage payable, or they will not receive the tax incentives/breaks they currently receive. Businesses will also be taxed additionally to exporting jobs to other countries. It is our responsibility to ensure that businesses have a friendly environment to create jobs and reasons to keep manufacturing and production jobs here in America.  By passing these mandates and regulations I believe we will see a lot more jobs coming home to America and our ability to become more exporting than importing which would largely benefit our economy and our workforce.

 By creating new power sources, via hydroelectricity, hydrogen, nuclear, expansion of wind and solar farms we should far be leading the world in green energy and promoting a better environment to pass on to future generations.

Auto Manufacturer’s will be required to mass produce Hydrogen/Electric Hybrid vehicles and continue to increase technology to find even more efficient and safer technologies. The gasoline engine will no longer be the status quo. I propose a minimal 100-150 miles per gallon equivalent standard on all future engines. Through this government mandate, there would be a tax incentive program created. You can trade in old vehicle for a deduction on new vehicle. Example if you were to buy a Hydrogen/Electric Suburban and it were to cost $60,000, then each vehicle you were to trade in with a maximum of a 5 old to 1 new vehicle ratio (as an example)depending on current Kelly Blue Book  Value based system, could possibly allow you to get it for basically for free. You would just have to pay the taxes on the valued new vehicle as well as having a tax deduction of those taxes at the end of the year. This program would last for 5-6 years to bridge the gap and allow civilians, and companies to make the switch and after that it could be extended until completion of the program. You are by all means allowed to keep your current gasoline vehicle, but if you could trade in up to 5 cars for a new one. This 5-6 yr initiative would reduce cost of vehicles via the tax incentives for auto manufacturers and help enable the cost of vehicles to be more affordable.


Current Fuel station owners private and corporate will receive tax incentives and reduced price of installation of hydrogen refueling / electric recharging stations. Along with this project can obtain further tax credit/incentives to install solar panels and wind turbines to make renewable energy to aid in their operations as well as hydrogen production for refueling.

Not only are power sources like this necessary for our economy and our planet’s future, but they also need to be there for our home use as well. This is why I propose creating a self sustaining or renewable low cost power source to power individual homes and businesses to reduce the carbon footprint of the effects of coal usage. This is why I plan on partnering with coal production companies to move forward in this direction with developing new technologies to help power our future without eliminating any jobs by these companies but expanding and exporting products to other nations to help our planet move forward.

  I envision a day when I come home to my house that powers itself with no wires in our skies or in our Earth and automobiles that powers themselves. Many will question these policies as they should. Yes it is extreme, and yes some changes will be made. There has to be an aggressive starting point to make a difference instead of just saying you want to make a difference. If we want a better future then this is how we can start that progress with a government funded program to re-invest in America. This will be initiated via a stimulus initiative and initially will add to the national debt. This money will be paid back by keeping the money in our own economy by buying products produced and by the American workforce doing the job as well as exporting technologies to help power the world.


  Healthcare is extremely expensive. Quite frankly it along with “BIG OIL” are the crippling factors of our country. This is why I propose that we consolidate the Welfare healthcare programs that is currently funded by tax dollars, with the Medicaid and Medicare programs that is paid for through our workforce to give us Universal FREE Healthcare for every American citizen. With the allocated amount of tax dollars contributed with the current payroll taxes should provide more than enough to have no “REDTAPE” healthcare for us all. Other nations are able to do this with far much less money but they have restrictions such as waiting lists etc.  The only exceptions I am open to allowing are elective surgeries, such as breast enhancements or other cosmetic elective procedures. This way there is no reason for Dr.’s to play a game of who lives or dies via transplants and their ability to afford it. It also requires Dr.’s to remember and live by their oath to come to the benefit of the sick and free of injustices.

 I am open to competition that keeps the heath care policies prices low. Just like a full coverage car insurance plan that covers everything after your deductible, so should healthcare. If you have an insurance policy then it should cover you 100%.  My vision of a true health insurance plan sought out by an individual or family or one that is provided by our government is one that offers complete coverage. A government provided program (i.e. welfare program) offers this type of ability with some companies enforcing policies such as what can or can’t be used or during a dental or DR’s visit. These exceptions are unacceptable.

  On your personal policy, you would pay a low cost established co-pay that deducts from your policies deductible (i.e. $500) and all medical services are covered with no “RED TAPE” or exclusions. You should not have to worry about whether or not you have coverage to visit the Dr’s office or hospitals etc. to preserve and extend your life.  If you have a common cold, or AIDS, or in need of an organ transplant you should not be screened or financially profiled on your ability to afford life.  

   I am firmly against high prices, any type of “REDTAPE” or exclusion provisions in any type of Healthcare policy. This needs to be a focus of everyone and I believe everyone should have insurance; it should not be mandatory or provisional like the current Affordable Health Care Act (aka ObamaCare)


  I am firmly against abortion. It is something that I personally disagree with personally and I believe is abused by people who use it as a form of birth control. I would however understand the scenarios of rape, and incest, along with the extreme cases of a pregnancy threatening the lives of both infant and child.  When a person willingly gets pregnant, they come to terms with all the risks and responsibilities. Each prospecting mother knows that there is a risk of one or both of them not surviving full term delivery.  It is not as common as in previous years with the advancement of medicines, medical practices and technologies but however still a threat that every mother is aware of. 

  With the way our constitution is written, it gives us freedom. Freedom to choose what we want to do with our lives and that is why Roe vs Wade will never be overturned. As much as I personally am against abortion I know and understand that it is a choice that you must make and is not an easy one by far. I would hope that instead of falling to this resort, that we could better educate people on choice, consequences and the process that this entails. Hopefully through better education, we can persuade people to use a higher moral authority then their own tunnel vision views, to make these types of decisions.  There are other alternatives than abortion such as adoption.  So while the laws are written they give you this choice, but just like salt and pepper on the table at your local restaurant, you do not have to use that right. If you play, you pay! It’s that simple. Taking a life should never be a choice; it should be a last resort.  I propose a counseling and education session mandatory before any abortion scheduling to educate and banning any abortion after 4 weeks of last menstrual cycle before formation of the heart begins. Partial birth abortions will continue with full support of Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 and was upheld by  Gonzales v. Carhart in 2007, However I will fight to do everything in my power to ensure that people are responsible for their own actions.  I also propose legislation declaring an abortion as murder and ensuring those who do it including Doctors will serve prison terms, losing their license along with aborting mothers to ensure this number drops to zero and save children's lives, 


  Student and work visas for foreign nationals will also pay the tax included in their tuition costs for the time period they are in this country.  They must reapply one month before work or student visa expires. If accepted then they may continue to reside in America. If they are declined they are allowed to stay two additional months to allow an appeal process of their Visa if it is rejected once again they will have 7 days to leave this country. Our country is built on immigrants’ backs, but now in our day and age it must be legal immigration. If it is not, action must be taken. They may reapply at any time but this country will no longer tolerate illegal immigrants in our country. Every one is welcome to come to our country, but you will be legal or you can stay where you are.  Border and INS resources will be increased with construction of border walls, Inspections, enforced deportation etc.

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