Thursday, October 3, 2013

Americans, time to Unite!!!!!

   I am embarrassed to call this man the President of the United States. His position is to unite this country and in his speech today, he only drove them further and further apart. Senate had opportunities to pass a budget that allowed Obama care to stay in act but to offer the same discretions to American citizens that he excluded big businesses from, along with himself and the members of Congress which exclude members of Congress and the President which is illegal cited by our Constitution. The Senate “FAILED”. It has become partisan issues that divide our country instead of all of our elected officials listening to our voice of what the American people want.



   Mr. Obama, Your mission is to unite this country like a father would with his children when they fight. You sit them down, tell them they are both wrong for what they have done, and make them work together to fix the issues they created “TOGETHER”.


  This party conflict is why we still have a divided country that can’t get passed issues like fixing healthcare, creating better lives for our aging seniors, taking care of our war veterans and racism. Issues that should not be hearing about to this day, is still in mainstream media because there is one person that is elected to unite everyone and push forward fixing these issues and leaving some issues in the dust.


 Instead our elected leader points fingers at people. He blames everyone else for problems, instead of pushing for people on both sides of the aisle as Americans not as Democrats or Republicans to unite and sit down at a table and work it out and stop creating issues and start fixing them.


  Mr. President do your job to unite this country and if you can’t stop creating issues yourself by dividing this country, pointing fingers and blaming certain people when it is everyone’s fault then I ask you to step down as President and let someone else do the job you were elected to do. This issue is created by failure to treat Americans equally and unbiased, not to mention the possible other things that your administration alone has failed in through the IRS Scandal, the Benghazi attacks, NDAA, and the restrictions you removed from the Patriot act that protected American citizens. Please start doing your job or I’ll be looking for your resignation made publicly to the American People in the next few weeks.


  It is not just the President’s fault it is also the members of both houses of Congress in the majority of them are concerned with their own campaign funding, or lining their own pockets to put on a play in front of the American people and the world in Washington D.C. So I extend the same message to you as well. Democrat’s, Republicans’,

Do your jobs for the American people that you were elected for or step down as well.


              Do what is right for Americans today, not tomorrow!


 It’s time we are simply just Americans, no party affiliations, just people who want to make life better for everyone in our country so that every nation on this planet will be jealous. So that they will strive to be like us and make the necessary changes in their own countries to increase the living, Educational, health benefits and beyond that we all as “HUMAN BEINGS” are entitled to.




  Washington D.C. has lost sight of main street America and it’s time we elect new people from the ground up to make this country what it should be.


Join me with the fight today!!!!!





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