Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is the USA in 2013 the old 1934 Germany?

 As we look around our country today we see many changes from just the last 50 years. We’ve seen the civil rights movement that granted equal rights to African Americans. We have witnessed the deaths of many influential people in our country from the assassination of MLK and JFK along with the passing of Princess Diana, Former President Ronald Regan and Pope John Paul II.  All of these people and many more not mentioned have had one common thread whether they were African American, Caucasian, British, and Polish or American in descent, they saw the best in the people of the world and how bright the future could be as equals and united as one nation. Through difficult battles come strong men and women to rise above the controversy and lead people into the evolution of our generations. All that these men and women fought for in attempting to get equality, end poverty or end communism have come in to jeopardy the last few years.


  The President of the United States has been elected to do a very important job. That job is to unite the people in a common cause. That cause should always be the prosperity, health and security of our country and most importantly its citizens. I do applaud the effort made by our President to get Americans covered by healthcare. The problem is this is not the way to accomplish this.  The ways that passed this law isn’t unprecedented, but negotiations on it are non-existing. The actions of isolating a party to get “political points” and holding the American people hostage by forcing on the people a law that is clearly flawed with no debate or talk of changes. The promises of “keep your own health care plan” is a lie with many companies and states dropping coverage’s to offset the new costs of implementing ACA.  I don’t even wish to talk about the much troubled, overpaid website that doesn’t work either. The separatism tactics used during the shutdown was a clear device to divide the people of our country even farther.  


We are on the brink of a major political shift that is extremely dangerous. These tactics have been used in communist states or dictatorships to oppress people, deny civil liberties, attack their way of life, and force the people of their countries to live in a state of either civil war, or a as a country controlled by a dictator. You see the small seemingly harmless actions are what brought Adolph Hitler to power. The small changes to laws and their enforcement capabilities are what made him a dictator. The total lack and disregard of the people who elected him is what made him a tyrant. How are the actions of this President of the United States any different from Hitler in WWII Germany?  The only thing left is declaring martial law so that they can begin the separation of people into internment camps and killing of millions of people who do not support him and his ways. Some people think maybe we are seeing the beginnings of that as well with the firings of many “Top Military” commanders who allegedly refuse to disarm the American people. Are we seeing the rise of a new SS squad with the arming and mobilization of F.E.M.A. and Department of Homeland Security programs and arms purchases?


 Some comparisons are strong, but make no mistake about it, we are on a very dangerous path to self destruction but I refuse to believe that our country will allow that to happen. I believe that in the event actions that lead us further down this road can be stopped, and reversed before we fall as a democracy. I have faith in the strength of our citizens in political or military positions and the brave men and women in public service via the domestic Police forces across our country along with the FBI, HHS, DEA, F.E.M.A., and most importantly our mighty military of the UNITED STATES to never allow this to come to fruition.



 We can make the changes before it gets worse. We can start with peaceful protests and petitions to remove and or amend laws that are hazardous to our country, our citizens and the constitution. We can recall elected officials who support, sign or do nothing to fight back to defend the people who have elected them.  Then hold special elections to fill those positions with someone of the people who will strive to accomplish those missions. If it is criminal in nature we can hold them on trial by a non-federal civilian court.


  This final step should never have to be a choice. The order of checks and balances put in place should prevent this from ever happening but if all else fails and we are left with no other choice, then we have a revolution by force. This happens when the military steps in to protect the Constitution of the United States as they are sworn to uphold and removes the elected officials and cabinet positions from power and place them under arrest and put on trial. The military will then be temporarily in control until new elections are scheduled and held to give us new leadership. We have seen examples of this in Egypt and other countries recently to oust their leadership. It is a dangerous period of time that we would be experiencing. 


 It is not all gloom and doom as it seems. All of this can and should be prevented. It is up to us, the American people to not be fooled by the actions of our elected officials. We must involve ourselves into the actions and decisions they attempt. We should all look into the laws that are proposed; not just the ones we fear will affect us on an individual basis but look at it as a whole and its potential effects on our neighbors, our friends, our family and our nation. As citizens we must invest in our future and voice the concerns about proposed amendments and laws and we must take action when necessary. We as adults have the responsibility to provide for ourselves, and our families this is one more item to the list of provisions that is usually neglected until it’s too late. Contrary to what it may seem when you watch media outlets, this is the UNITED SATES OF AMERICA! Let’s keep it that way.


Join me in “OUR FIGHT” to protect our FREEDOMS!


Its time we unite together not as democrats and republicans but as Americans.

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